Under the Surface

Check out what’s going on in the SHARx blog, Under the Surface.

Giving Your HDHP Plans the Boot

Giving Your HDHP Plans the Boot Have you heard the phrase, “It’s expensive to be poor”? This concept is often illustrated by a pair of boots: an individual with less money can only afford an okay pair of boots for $30, within 2 months, they need to be replaced and another $30 is spent; a

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The SHARx Difference

THE SHARx DIFFERENCE Are you familiar with the phrase “guilty by association”?     Big Pharma is at it again. They have collectively released their minions to concoct a new moniker: Alternate Funding Programs (AFPs).   According to several articles found on the internet, SHARx finds itself lumped into a category that is based on a

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A New Approach

A NEW APPROACH Winter is coming! Can you hear the winds of change blowing?  The Cold Hard Facts According to BenefitsPRO, 93% of employers considered switching pharmacy benefit providers in the last year due to the rising cost of prescriptions and complicated PBM contracts; smaller employers are more likely to re-evaluate their pharmacy benefit plans

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Taking the Leap

TAKING THE LEAP Are You Sure About Insurance for Medications? Insurance was meant to cover the risk of unknown loss. Many Human Resource managers have implemented pharmacy insurance into their companies’ benefits because it has been engrained in them that insurance is what you do for your employees. However, in doing so, they are often

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Disrupting the Norm

DISRUPTING THE NORM Disruption Disruption is a good thing! To put it simply, disruption means to break the normal course or continuation of some activity, process, etc. To many, disruption alludes a negative connotation. With disruption comes change. Change is scary because it opens the door to the unknown. I am advocating to change that

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Facing the System Head-On

FACING THE SYSTEM HEAD-ON A Broken Drug Industry I’ve spoken many times about my children’s genetic condition known as Cystinosis. Having children with an illness is stressful enough, but it is made more stressful by the cost of the medication needed to treat their illness. A few years ago, the manufacturer of their medication was

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